Tipo do Evento: SEMINÁRIO
Período do Evento: 09/12/2019 a 11/12/2019 (Evento encerrado)
I Seminário de Internacionalização: Educação em
Direitos, Direitos Socioambientais e Culturais em Tempos
de Transição - I SIEDDSAC

Atualização: 07/03/2020

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Seminar of Internationalization:

Education on Rights, Socio-Environmental and Cultural Rights in Times of Transition


The Graduate Program in Law at the Legal Sciences Center of the Universidade Federal da Paraiba, João Pessoa, state of Paraiba, Brazil, offers a Master of Economic Law degree, a Master of Human Rightsdegree, as well as a Ph.D. in Human Rights and Development.  The chairs of the Program, Prof. Maria Creusa de Araújo Borges and Prof. Newton de Oliveira Lima with all the Faculty members and many students planned the Internationalization Seminar on Rights, Socioenvironmental and Cultural Education in Transition Times to be held at the Center of Legal Sciences of the UFPB on the 9th, 10th and 11th of December of 2019 as a culminating event of the internationalization activities of the last three years (2017-2019).

As an essential part of the process of internal evaluation, this program will discuss its actions considering strategic planning. We especially take this opportunity when we host such outstanding foreign scholars and collaborators from France. It is the appropriate occasion to spotlight what we have developed with regards to the academic cross-border agreements and partnerships, the ongoing co-tutelages, and the internationalization of the three research lines – i.e., subfields of investigation – of its doctorate.

Since its inception, the Graduate Program in Law of the Federal University of Paraiba features many international exchanges and cross-border knowledge, which have included crucial dialogues to Humanities. It deeply connected its scientific production to local, regional, and national needs. The development of the Master of Human Rights degree in 2005 already indicated its contour trending towards internationalization. The approval of the proposal was forged with the support of the Ford Foundation Brazil drawn upon the agreement established by the UFPB, the Ford Foundation, and the Carlos Chagas Foundation. That time, the Universidade Federal do Pará, the UFPB, and the Universidade de São Paulo had approved their unique projects amongst ten competitors. It is in such a context that the Program obtained the approval by the Coordination for the Improvement of High Education Personnel, CAPES, to implement its second area of concentration, Human Rights. In 2010, with the approval of the proposal of a Ph.D. of Human Rights and Development before the CAPES, the Program received funding from the agency through its calls as well as started to take part in higher levels of funding calls at the UFPB. All of it drove more actions of internationalization once we started witnessing the improvement of cross-border research networks, of faculty and student mobility, of publications abroad, of an organic presence of foreign professors at our university as well, whether teaching courses together with us or in participation to research groups.

In 2017, the CAPES awarded the Program with the Seal PRINT, Institutional Program of Internationalization, through the Call 41/2017. In Brazil, only 36 Institutions of higher education received such a fund, in a lively and highly competitive process that involved 109 applications. It meant the recognition of the Universidade Federal da Paraiba as an international university and this Graduate Program in Law, in association with ten other graduate programs at the UFPB, as an accredited organism by the CAPES via Print program. The thematic, DIVERSITY AND TERRITORIES: EDUCATION, LANGUAGES, CULTURAL MEDIATIONS, AND PUBLIC POLICIES, is highly relevant to the doctoral research field, Human Rights and Development. The governmental funding is for doctoral stays abroad (the so-called Sandwich Fellowship) and research missions linked to the thematic area.

Over the past twenty-three years, our Graduate Program in Law has been accumulating academic and scientific capital with a strong performance on internationalization. This organic presence of foreign scholars is connected to the program’s strong dynamics, to the updating knowledge daily carried out, and to the contribution for the national and international advancement of Legal Sciences, including social and historical aspects of the field. In this ongoing evaluation cycle, from 2017 to 2020, the program encompasses six lines of research at the Master’s degree and 3 lines of research at the Ph.D.’s degree, holding a total of nine research subareas or lines. Everyone requires interdisciplinary approaches with dialogic contributions taken from many fields in Humanities, such as Economics, Political Sciences, Sociology, Philosophy, History, Social Sciences, Education, amongst others.

Considering such indices, as above mentioned, we need to evaluate, expand, and strengthen our internationalization project. This international seminar is held in association with the Graduate Program in Human Rights, Citizenship, and Public Policies at the Center of Humanities of the UFPB. A thriving community attached to our research groups have taken their role in participation. This community features the work of scholars that have fostered internationalization and critical reflection on this moment but also demonstrates the profound transformation of Legal research in Brazil and worldwide.


Prof. Maria Creusa de Araújo Borges[1]

[1] This speech was translated into English by Prof. Ernesto Pimentel, Faculty Member and Member of the Board.





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