UFPB's Webinar on Partial Differential Equations and Geometric Analysis
Tipo do Evento: SEMINÁRIO
Período do Evento: 28/07/2020 a 15/12/2022 (Evento encerrado)
The purpose of this webinar is to maintain contact with researchers from around the world in the specific area of ​​nonlinear analysis, partial differential equations and geometric analysis. The talks will be held mainly on Tuesdays 4p.m. (GMT -3) via Google Meet.

Since 2020, we had a total of 42 talks by different researchers from all over the world. Please check our program for details and recordings of these talks. 

The 2022 season started on march 08. See the program for the confirmed schedule so far. 


Yasuhito Miyamoto (The University of Tokyo - Japan) 

29/012/2022 - 4p.m. local time (-3:00 GMT)

TitleStructure of positive radial solutions for semilinear elliptic Dirichlet problems with general supercritical growth

AbstractWe are concerned with a classification of the bifurcation diagrams of the positive solutions of semilinear elliptic Dirichlet problems with supercritical growth in a ball. In this case the bifurcation diagram is a curve parametrized by the maximum value of a solution. We study a relationship among the growth rate, the bifurcation curve and a positive radial singular solution.

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