WORKSHOP PROGRAM | MORNING | ACTIVITY | THEME/INSTITUTIONS | 14/11/2019 THURSDAY | 8h30 | Lecture | Lecture with Professor Dr. Robert (Bob) Evan Verhine, Education Area Coordinator - Capes and GT Capes Coordinator on self-assessment. |
WORKSHOP PROGRAM | MORNING | ACTIVITY | THEME/INSTITUTIONS | 25/11/2019 MONDAY | 8:30 | Opening ceremony | UFPB, CAPES, SECRETARIA DE EDUCAÇÃO DA PARAÍBA, FAPESQ, PROPESQ, PRPG, ACI/UFPB, CCM DIRECTOR | 08h45 | Presentation | Internationalization of Brazilian higher education institutions – overview of PrInt program DRI-Capes - Profa. Heloísa Candia Hollnagel - CGBP/DRI/CAPES | 09h45 | Presentation | UFPB CAPES - PrInt Program - Profa. Maria Luíza P. Alencar Mayer Feitosa – UFPB Graduate Provost. | 10h00 | COFFEE BREAK | 10h15 | Presentation | UFPB-Print Themes:
- Theme 1: Health interventions, Technologies, products and processes Prof. Julio Santos Rebouças - Theme 2: Territories of diversity: education, languages, mediation, cultural and public policies. Prof. Ana Cristina Marinho - Theme 3: Caatinga biome, biodiversity and sustainability Prof. Mailson Monteiro do Rego | 11h15 | Presentation | UFPB's Research Indicators and Capacity - Prof. Isac Almeida de Medeiros – UFPB Research Provost | 11h30 | Presentation | Critical demands and bottlenecks for internationalization - Inter-cultural competency Prof. Iure Paiva - Director of the UFPB International Cooperation Agency | 11h45 | Discussion |
| 12h00 | LUNCH |
WORKSHOP PROGRAM | AFTERNOON | ACTIVITY | THEME/INSTITUTIONS | 25/11/2019 MONDAY | 14h00 | Presentation | Ohio State University/UFPB partnership, a research success case - sharing of Global Initiatives, capacity building. Prof. Wondwossen Gebreyes – Ohio State University Prof. Celso Bruno - UFPB | 14h45 | Presentation | International funding, strategic areas, opportunities - improvement of the capacity of HEIs/PB to get international extramural resources for research and development at PB state.
Prof. Cláudio Furtado - Paraiba State Secretary for Education, Science and Technology Prof. Roberto Germano - Director/Fapesq-PB. | 15h45 | COFFEE BREAK | 16h00 | Presentation | Infrastructure as a vector of possibilities to improve research & development, and internationalization. Prof. Wanderley de Souza – UFRJ – Academia Brasileira de Ciências
Dr. Ricardo Rosa - Finep. | 17h | Presentation | Regulatory aspects and the Internationalization of Higher Education Institutions
Dr. Carlos Octaviano Mangueira – Federal Prosecutor of UFPB. | 17h45 | DISCUSSION | 18h | CLOSING CEREMONY |